What was an Essay?

I wrote so many in college, but what were they all for? Oh, that’s right, for a grade.

At least that’s what they taught me in high school.

It occurred to nobody to mention it was an exercise in critical thinking –wisdom building.

Smart enough to realize, but too young to be Captain of my own ship to navigate the seas of knowledge all by myself in the Valley between Caribbean mountains.

They shut down the schools for months to deal with the mess they built or manufactured for Greed’s sake at our young souls’ expense.

And now two years from a decade ago, the big storm devastated the land, smashing the crops that remained, and home is still a mess.

They just keep talking nonsense on the news, following in the footsteps of the errors of the past with not enough opposition.

But that is about to change.

Categorized as Poems

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