Two Jewels

I was planning to make my move to The Walled City when a woman who I grew up with contacted me, saying she needed my help. However surprised I was, I accepted unsure of what that decision would bring or how it would alter the path I was on. She commissioned me to care for… Continue reading Two Jewels

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A Writer’s Best Interruption

Sitting out on the rooftop porch again, looking at the trees, thinking, writing. It’s cloudy, windy, and rainy. A plane’s engines are heard overhead along with a dog’s bark in the distance. A man’s voice speaks over a loudspeaker, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. Perhaps a holiday caravan? The sounds interrupt my… Continue reading A Writer’s Best Interruption

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New Year

A new year isn’t a time to become perfect and infalible such is what dreams are made of. A new year is instead a time to leave unhelpful habits behind, unhelpful thoughts, unhelpful behaviors in favor of the beneficial. A time to chase down goals meaningful to you. A time to foray your markers as… Continue reading New Year

Categorized as Poems


Someone who believes in what the horoscope says would probably say I attracted the Zippo to myself because I put it out into the Universe. Or so it goes. I don’t know much about that, but the Zippo did come to me. A friend of mine gave me his after I mentioned I was looking… Continue reading Zippo

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December 26th

Day after Christmas, A day that should be happy for most people, A day closer to the close of another year, A day of contemplation, work, and more contemplation, A day of some discontent and apathy and yearning for bygone Christmases of yore. A day of wanting adventure and Exodus of isolation, A feeling and… Continue reading December 26th

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Sitting in the Dark Imagining

I’m out here sitting in the dark listening to the bugs and the little toads out here in the woods, staring at the night sky looking at the stars and I’m imagining my dad up there talking to Bukowski the poet, novelist. I just see my dad talking to Bukowski saying, “Hey man, he’s you,… Continue reading Sitting in the Dark Imagining

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Croupier smoking a cigarette, hesitates picking up the red phone; His father has a job for him, he doesn’t want it. “Jacko, call Mr. Reynolds at the Golden Lion Hotel.” I’m reminded of the little room in the school library where I called my father up every day at noon and I say: “Listen to… Continue reading Croupier

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Se ese man

Se ese man que lo hizo desde una torre que le heredó su padre. Se ese man que moría por aventura y lo hizo sin un peso en el bolsillo. Se ese man que lo hizo en libretas viejas y bolígrafos con poca tinta. Se ese man que lo hizo sin olvidar a todos los… Continue reading Se ese man

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Sometimes I think about being for someone else what I needed the most and lost to time and death. Mentors like fathers are not immune to the call from the beyond. They may leave you at any time like the tobacco that sits on the purple table blown away to oblivion by the wind –reluctant… Continue reading Mentor

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You know, one of the good things about not looking at your mass surveillance device all the time is that you get to listen to people talk, you know? You find out that the supermarket girl is pregnant, and she and her guy can’t decide on a name. “Mateo, I want to name him Mateo.”… Continue reading Mateo

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