Nothing is forever

At the end of the day, I’m heading up the stairs, stop halfway, gaze at my mother and aunt watching Turkish soap operas again.

Maybe I should sit and watch them with them. To be with them, spend time with them. One day they won’t be there anymore, and I’ll be sad.

Life is hard enough, why must we also be depressed?

If we had money, we could take the whole family on a long voyage. Go see all the wonders of the world.

I guess we shouldn’t think such things. Might add to the depression because it’s not realistic.

I’ve had a lifetime of sadness, and I don’t want to feel it anymore, I want to forget what it feels like.

I thought happier thoughts earlier, but they never last.

Maybe city life, tons going on could help me distract myself better. Real life hustle and bustle walking the streets looking at the buildings and people’s antics. Get out more, do more, walk more.

Her and I we have our arms around each other I squeeze her tight and try to savor the moment that will soon be gone. She’s gone now. She left her clothes on my desk. A wave of sadness hits me as if she was gone, gone.

Nothing is forever, it will all soon be over…

Categorized as Poems