Inside From the Outside

Inside from the Outside people can only see me shacked up in the Great White Castle,

Wasting Away while the Harbinger of Lost Souls eats Away at me.

Constrained by a Sick mind Rewinding back to Past times.

Aging fast scared of Dropping Dimes,

Waiting, smiling, masking, dying;

The King is Dead. He’s been dead for a Long time now,

but Everything here is still His;

His Wife, His Daughter, His Son,

His Castle.

I’m sick of these once Loved walls, running into his Notebooks that speak to me of Pain,

the pain that flows in our Blood that Broods in our bad Mood,

While I’m there moving his loved books away from our leaky roof,

Away to Safety.

I feel Him through the Walls walking behind me as I sit to write down these Words,

My hairs stand up behind my neck, but my Tears don’t Drop,

Not since they dried up when I realized He wasn’t Coming Back.

It all Feels futile now,

I can’t see Him, He can’t see Me


I can’t Die until I get Mines;

for Him, for Her, for Them.

Categorized as Poems


  1. Matthew this feels like pain expressed with a bond that is so powerful, it consumes you in thoughts of a profound love that is now just a memory, that fills you with emptiness.

  2. Matthew this feels like pain expressed with a bond that is so powerful, it consumes you in thoughts of a profound love that is now just a memory, that fills you with emptiness.

  3. This feels like pain expressed with a bond that is so powerful, it consumes you in thoughts of a profound love that is now just a memory, that fills you with emptiness.

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