I look to the clouds while I’m out for a little exercise, a little jog for some fresh air under the mountain drizzle. Two planes fly overhead as the mountains are hidden by a strong, gray mist. The coquis’ sing loudly and the waterfall roars as it descends into the creek shadowed by the trees.… Continue reading Mirrors of Muddy Waters
Category: Poems
At the looney bin for an eval, two young ladies, one thin, one more huggable. Same old situation, same old feelings. Soon to be a Looney Tune again, partially. A strong sense of discomfort rises. I´ve been here before many times. Now, and again, to the sports and fitness aisle, to the boardgames, to the… Continue reading Looney
Eddie Money is telling me he wants to go back and do it all over, but he knows he can’t. Time has gone by, and nothing can be the same. I feel like him, sometimes this place feels so dry, so past its prime, it gets depressing. “And I know you mean well, Spence, but… Continue reading Clifford
Bible Study
Seven signs of Grace entrusted upon us by God for divine life. Signs to express supernatural realities. From the most High, to the lowest Low. Humiliation to Eternal Glory. Is this man Wise or does he believe himself wiser than all Lower than He? Santísima Humanidad… Can eyes lie? There’s something in his eyes. Something… Continue reading Bible Study
My sadness is something that will never go away
At the doc again, it seemed like he remembered my case a bit. It’s been about a year since my last visit. He won’t say I’m crazy, but I believe I am. I used to be a regular there, so everyone that works there knows me. I never expect much from treatment anymore, but today… Continue reading My sadness is something that will never go away
Vivid Again
You know, one thing that happens when you stop looking at your tiny mass surveillance device all the time is that you watch the rain fall on the windshield again and listen to the drops and the thunder. Life becomes vivid again. You can sit in that ambience and plan your next move. You can… Continue reading Vivid Again
My epitaph will read: “That was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a trainwreck” and I will laugh a hardy laugh wherever I may be after Carnal death. But for now, the road to recovery and the road to success are one in the same. Will there be success or less of a… Continue reading Epitaph
The Cave of the Swallows
Wild, wild waters splashing by the cave. My dog quickly finds out there’s a difference between water and sea water. I haven’t eaten a thing, save for a couple of garlic, plantain chips. I engage in a sort of spiritual journey while fasting. A couple close by continue snapping pictures of each other. A swallow… Continue reading The Cave of the Swallows
1B2A3C for the whirlwind, for the pain. Reduced to a user, no matter, if it kills the pain. How, however, do you kill pain you are born with? A pain that can only be alleviated but not cured. Do you Tame? Do you tame yourself or succumb to madness? Follow and watch 1B2A3C for now…
Moments of Bonding
I’d forgotten what having friends feels like. Bonding, and all that, making it through life together. How important friends in the Flesh. Friends around throughout life. Moments to share… realizing Rocky is dancing by the museum, posing, and imagining victory Envisioning success. A gap forward, from unfortunate to Fortunate. A mindset for success and giving… Continue reading Moments of Bonding