A lot like you

Muthafuckas will promote any bullshit product a person thinks they need,

but it’s all some bullshit, Hard to promote shit on the big engines, everything is saturated

and polluted with everyone’s shit, and your own shit get buried away from everyone

Ain’t no SEO can save you.

Still gotta Light Up the pen and burn da papa. Fuck it, it’s fun

Do yo own Shit, fuck them Machines, Be Human

Feel some shit

Use your Soul

Turn All your Problems into Artistic ExPrEsIoN

it’s the only wayOut.

Biggie’s saying The Sky is the Limit;

Listen to the words, don’t look at the ImAgE

It’s a different Experience

Feel like some Stephen Hawking shit,

Look at my wrist.

The brain is a terrible thing to waste

Look at the video Now, Play the tape Back

and look at the story,

Dance around.

Feel it course through you, Feel those Sick beats Hustling yo Ears

The MC’s speak to me

Every song is a Different trip From New York City to L.A not every

Visual Rendition Goes with the Audio/lyrical REndiTion.




SICK Beats Now pass to Some more sick bEAts from another time

Another Genre. Pen still in My hand THE PARALLELs

Life is full of different Examples

examples of HOW to DO things

Pick the one That WORKS for U

The Four-Legged Queen of Darkness hops up the Stairs

Everything is gotta be Written down First, man

That’s why Bible’s exist The WORD.

Found out the Magic produces in a Strange way,

Strange Magic, ELO;

“Old Man Look at My Life, I’m a lot like you,” Neil said.

Categorized as Poems


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