That’s Life

50 said Many men wish Death upon him And now I’ve lost count

of the times I’ve wished death upon Myself. As I enter and close the Door,

the flickering lights hurt my eyes, make me feel I entered a horror movie.

But I am in a horror movie. I exit and there’s an old man playing games on a

small rectangular device. What’s up with this world? His kind is the kind I rely on

to bring me back to REALITY. I’m walking by and I see what looks like a bloodstained wet wipe

and black Covid masks everywhere. Two twenty-three-year-olds girls gone by Fate or Nature, taken

away from this world in the span of weeks. Why them and not me? I’m sure a lot of peeps ask

themselves the same question, but there ain’t no valid answer.

“That’s life,” to quote Sinatra.

That’s life.

Categorized as Poems