Bible Study

Seven signs of Grace entrusted upon us by God for divine life. Signs to express supernatural realities. From the most High, to the lowest Low. Humiliation to Eternal Glory.

Is this man Wise or does he believe himself wiser than all Lower than He?

Santísima Humanidad…

Can eyes lie? There’s something in his eyes. Something dark. Don’t call the priest when you’re dying. Don’t wait. We celebrate together. We are the Church in Amazon; we are the Church anywhere.

But there are different Christians. Why are they always competing over who is right? Superstitions! Knowledge or belief based on Fear!

Faceless Expression.

I’m tripping in class — Holy class.

I fall just a little.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Smile! Eyes up High!

Is this incomprehensible?

Cult of the Highest to God.

Laugh… oh, but I know all too well, priest. Nothing more to do but laugh. But nobody taught me how to dance. How will I dance at my wedding?

Gracia Santificante. Sanctify! Sacramental Grace.

Finally at ease with a group of people, but am I though? Welcome to the function. Why am I here? What is the lesson?

“No Ms.! I was just asking, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Hug. Did you forgive me? Was it just a momentary upset? 

The different faiths. The priest anecdotes a rip-off at a wedding. “God did it (marriage). It’s easier to be a priest, man!” His eyes look red. A fellow doper? I’m fading again. I remember when I couldn’t handle this. I’ve grown or did my mood or perspective change? This all gets confusing. Do they even get it? Philosophers, theologians? I don’t know, but it sure sounds like this lady really does study her Bible.

“Bring me a chocolate,” she writes to me.

“Girl, you’re lucky. There was a lady out there handing out chocolate. So, here you go.”

Night classes might be better for learning. It is a privilege to live in a place where you can see the stars.

“Hey, lady! You’re going to be my wife!”

“What? I’m married!”

“Welp, looks like there’s a divorce headed your way.”

Look to the guy, look to the girl.

“Hey, lady… don’t look at me that way. That’s what he told me. For all we know, he’s busting both our balls.


Categorized as Poems